HDD Raw Copy Tool 1.20
Free   2.1 MB

HDD Raw Copy Tool 1.20

Free Duplicate hard drives sector by sector and create disk images
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1.20 See all
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Awards (3)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
Free   2.1 MB

Much of our digital life is stored in our computer's hard drive, and if it malfunctions or breaks, it would be a real tragedy for us. Thus, it is wise to have our hard disk backed up.
HDD Raw Copy Tool allows us to do this in an easy way, and for free.But not only that; it also allows us to back up individual files just as easily.

The program's interface is rather simple; it shows your hard drive(s) with some of their features. You can select the drive that you need to backup, and click on "Continue". Then, the interface will let you choose the target drive where you want to store your backup copy. Obviously, you can't back up a drive within itself, You need a drive with at least the same capacity of the one you are backing up.

The program also lets you backup individual files. To do so, you need to select the file you want to backup and choose the target drive or folder where you want to store it. In this case, it is not possible to sore the backed up file within the same drive, so you need to use an external drive or USB storage device.

Another feature is the drive console, which shows data about your drive(s).

A major drawback I found is that the program does not have a "back" button that allow to go back to a previous stage. Thus, I needed to close the program altogether to go back to the first stage and start all over again.

Otherwise, this is a very useful program to backup your entire drive or some files you deem important. And the best part is that it is completely free.

VH Senior editor
Victor Hernandez
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • The program is free of charge
  • It is useful to back up entire drives or individual files


  • Does not have a "back" button to go back to a previous stage

Comments (2)

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I rated this app, great for Raspi images and disk cloning.

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Confusing UI, target and source should be identified by icons. It's confusing when there're multiple identical devices connected. We could also use a separate button to select an image file as target, that is the most confusing part most of the time if not watching closely.

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